Sounds Like is a phonics game for children that will help them with their reading. Children will learn to recognize and distinguish the different vowel consonant sounds and blends. In general, they will learn to pronounce and spell words better.
Example: Which word sounds like man?
1) map 2) Mat 3) ham
Sounds simple but there is a lot going on. Children will learn several different skills because of a good mix of animation and sound. This program is also good for the handicapped be cause it uses scan mode.
This version of Sounds Like v1.4 is fully functioning except that you will not be able to Import or Export words. Users will still be able to edit and change the existing word banks, so it still pretty functional!
To order the unlocking code please send your $20.00 US funds payable to David Bagno. Please include your eMail address for faster service.
Educational Computer Resources
PO Box 25158
Washington DC 20007
For your convenience, this program has been designed to work with Macintalk 1.5 which can be downloaded on AOL KEYWORDS BASE LINE under file name MacinTalk 1.5 sea